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2011 International Book Awards finalist
2012 International book awards finalist
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News And Updates
Update - October 17, 2016
God's beautiful creation is visable everywnere especially in the beautiful San Juan Mountains of SW Colorado during the fall colors season!
Update - January 14, 2016
Nothings like hiking in the mountains during the beautiful saturated light just before sunset. Every sunset is a unique work of God and this one was especially gorgeous!
Praying for a wonderful, blessed New Year for everyone!
Update - August 1, 2015
The wildflower's this summer are incredible due to all the
moisture received. Never seen it so lush and green!
Update - June 02, 2015
I was fortunate to be able to capture a rare full Moonrise over the San Juan Mountains of SW Colorado. The late May snows provided a nice contrast to the full Moon rising above the peaks. Before the May snow, we were in a severe drought so I am thankful to God that the moisture finally came. Click on below link for more pictures.
Update - April 20, 2015
I had a great visit with family this past weekend up in the Front Range of Colorado.
Just before a big family dinner, I noticed a sunset taking shape out the back window. I knew it would be a bit rude but I couldn't resist. I set up just outside in the back yard and patiently waited for a few minutes. Little did I know that the family was waiting for me to say grace. Little did they know I was already thanking God for the gorgeous sunset he was blessing me with.
Three gorgeous sun rays burst forth from behind the Colorado Front Range Mountains just South of Long's Peak. It was an incredible sight!
The Wave Sunset shown on my website was taken the day before with a completely different look from the same location. It literally looked like a huge wave was about to crash into the Front Range Mountains, although my attempt to capture it was average at best.
<a href="http://www.patrickdillonphoto.com" rel="nofollow">www.patrickdillonphoto.com</a>
Update - March 1, 2015
I anxiously awaited for the nearly full moon to pop over the peaks not knowing exactly where it would occur. Then I heard a whisper from my son who who said "Look over there, can you see a faint light coming from the left side of the peak?" And wow, it was faint at first but then it quickly turned into a bright golden glow. But then we realized that the clouds were too thick to see the full Moon but instead we were treated with this unique colorful globe rising over the jagged peaks. My son shouted out, "This is one of the best days of my life!", as we were snapping off shots as fast as our cold fingers would allow. Definitely a great moment to remember!
Update - December 8, 2014
Photo captured on a cloudy day late in the evening. I had given up all hope for catching a sunset shot when the clouds broke exposing just a small window highlighting a little section of the East Needles located in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado.
It reminded me of Heaven lluminating from the darkness of this world...
Update - November 14, 2014
I had the opportunity to conduct an authors review with my listing at ChristianBooks.com. Below is the link and the full review.
The review can also be found at the bottom of the page at the ChristianBooks.com site.
Author/Artist Review
Located in: Colorado
Submitted: November 08, 2014
Tell us a little about yourself. I love God and His beautiful creation and can be found on the tops of the Colorado Rocky Mountains capturing His works through photographing nature. I find great satisfaction volunteering and sharing my passion for our Lord especially through photography.
What was your motivation behind this project? I was overwhelmed by how fast the world was falling away from God, including myself. My eyes were opened shortly after my dad passed away at the young age of 52. This made me realize how short life is and how much time I had been wasting with things that really didn't matter. It gave me the courage to reconsider how I would live my life and how I could better help others in their time of need. Striving to become steadfast in my relationship with God helped me get through this difficult time. I knew I had to share with others the secret to true happiness and personal fulfillment, thus my book Steadfast Christian was born.
What do you hope folks will gain from this project? That God really does exist and he wants the best for each one of us. There is no true happiness without God in our lives. We cannot be lukewarm in our relationship with Him. Becoming steadfast is a lifetime commitment but one we must pursue with all our hearts.
How were you personally impacted by working on this project? It helped me become more in tune with God in everything I do. Now, sunsets and just ordinary things in nature have become more vivid and meaningful because I know it is God speaking to me and us through His wonderful creation. I see people completely different now. It's not what I can get out of them but rather, what can I do to help...
Who are your influences, sources of inspiration or favorite authors / artists? The most influential people in my life have always been those who directed me towards God. Like Grandpa, who I write extensively about in my book.
Anything else you'd like readers / listeners to know: Turn off your electronic device and go out tonight and see what gift God has for you. It may be a sunset, the waves splashing up on the shore, a beautiful alpenglow highlighting a towering mountain peak, the peaceful sound of a river winding its way down a valley, or the cheerful sounds of children playing... Open your eyes, ears, and hearts to the awesome things of God.
Update - November 04, 2014
Seasons change but God's love for us never does and He continues to bless us with His beautiful creation!
Update - August 13, 2014
The gift that keeps on giving!
Update - August 5, 2014
Praise You Lord for Your Creation!
Update - July 22, 2014
Had the opportunity to run up to American Basin located in a remote region north east of Silverton, CO in the rugged San Juan Mts. It was a bumpy ride in there but well worth it. The lower fields were carpeted with giant Columbines mixed with every other wildflower known to man. This is definitely a special place and to think we pretty much had it to ourselves...
Update - July 11, 2014
It is beautiful in the San Juan Mountains of SW Colorado right now!
Update - May 13, 2014
Spring is finally here in the beautiful San Juan Mountains of SW Colorado!
Update - January 13, 2013
Purchase Steadfast Christian at Christianbooks.com by clicking here
Update - November 25, 2013
Can't believe how fast this year has gone by...
We were blessed with an early snow storm which dumped over 3' of fresh powder on our mountains (San Juans). Happy and blessed Thanksgiving!
Photo taken today at 10,000 ft titled Snow Star:
Update - March 29, 2013
A beautiful sunset for a Good Friday! Thank you Jesus for dying for me... Happy Easter everyone!
Update - February 04, 2013
All photographs by Steadfast Christian found on this website and more are now available for sale at the following link found at the bottom of each slideshow featured on this website:Purchase Pictures
If you see a picture not listed for sale just request it and we'll add it!
Any faith based organizations, youth groups, or those who can't afford regular prices, email us about a possible discount code at checkout.
Update - February 01, 2013
We were blessed to finally get 4' of snow in the upper San Juan Mountains with rain in the lower valleys. This will definitely help reduce the fire danger and fill our area lakes this Summer ; )
Update - October 11, 2012
I was blessed with another beautiful rainbow but this time it was a mini-full rainbow that was up-close and personal. It stretched from one side of the small canyon wall to the other. This was only a few miles from my great grandpa's goldmine as described in the book. I wonder if my grandpa and great grandpa are trying to tell me something with all the recent rainbow sightings this past month?
Update - September 14, 2012
This picture was actually a special gift/conformation for a friend who I was on my cell phone with praying that a hardship would be lifted from her. Just before we got off, I said, "maybe God will give us a sign with a beautiful sunset." Little did I know that this incredible rainbow was coming so soon as it was raining/sleeting and completely overcast when I said this.
Within minutes, a sunbeam burst forth and the Heavens were opened up and I can only say that I was completely overcome..... I realize this shot has nothing to do with me but rather, everything to do with Him...
Update - August 07, 2012
Made another trip to Grandpa's gold mine only to find the Gold in the beauty of the sky and land.
Update - May 23, 2012
Steadfast Christian by Patrick Dillon was honored as a finalist in the 2012 International Book Awards (Religion - Christian Inspirational Category).
Click on link for Press Release
For a full listing or see below for specific category.
Religion: Christian Inspirational
NIV Quest Study Bible
Zondervan Publishing
Made to Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food by Lysa TerKeurst
NIV Student Bible by Tim Stafford and Philip Yancey
Zondervan Publishing
NIV Study Bible
Zondervan Publishing
Steadfast Christian: A Higher Call to Faith, Family, and Hope by Patrick Dillon
Outskirts Press
Touched by the Grace of God by Heidi R. May
Update - January 28, 2012
Steadfast Christian is now available in Kindle e-book format. Click on the following link to get a free
sample or purchase Amazon Kindle
Update - December 28, 2011
Steadfast Christian is now available in e-book format! Click following link to order - Barnes and Noble (Nook)
If you do not have a Nook reader click the following link - Download Nook for PC. You can download any other necessary app to enjoy this on your personal digital reader.
An Amazon Kindle version will also be available shortly!
The digital version allows me to offer my book to you at a reduced price. This special price will be available the remainder of 2011 and through January 2012.
Update - October 30, 2011
Trip to Rosarito, Mexico - Metanoia Films Little Boy
Click on this Link for Rosarito, Mexico Slide Show
I was a little nervous when leaving with my family for Rosarito, Mexico, to join the cast and crew of Metanoia Films to play out our small part for their upcoming movie Little Boy. All the news about drug wars across the border had negatively impacted my perception of this area.
Regardless of the apparent risk, we were not about to let this once in a lifetime opportunity be lost due to fear. We had been waiting two years for this day to occur and it was finally here. To our pleasant surprise, the native people of Mexico we encountered were very friendly and we didn't have any problems (We traveled by day in groups and stayed clear of problem areas). In fact, we were treated better than we were in the States.
The environment at the set was incredible (No pictures posted of the set due to confidentiality). We were dealing with a highly organized, professional team of cast and crew with the producers and directors living up to their exceptional reputation garnered from their hit move Bella.
The location and facilities at the Baja Fox Studios in Rosarito, Mexico, were impressive. This studio was originally built for the blockbuster hit movie Titanic. From the moment we arrived, we knew we were dealing with the real thing. The big name actors involved in this project were friendly and treated us as if we were one of their own. To top it off, the incredible views of the Pacific Ocean created a scene that could only be described as surreal.
Our eyes were quickly opened to the amount of hard work and attention to detail it takes to make an exceptional movie. They have in place the perfect cast and crew to make Little Boy a true success!
The only thing better than our wonderful experience with this movie is knowing that the ultrasound machine we helped pay for has already saved babies lives. Nothing could be more satisfying than that.
It gives me great pleasure knowing that we were able to contribute to the making of a positive family friendly movie and that the section pertaining to this event found in Chapter 4 of my book is now fulfilled.
Final note – We stayed in one of the most beautiful places on Earth but as the pictures reveal, we didn’t forget those who are living in poverty as seen by the man in the wheel chair with his dog at the border crossing and the little boy whose sad brown eyes revealed a child’s life full of hardship that many US citizens will never have to go through.
Our prayers are with Metanoia Films for their continued success with Little Boy and for the wonderful people living in Mexico.
Update - September 18, 2011
Rare nature shot showing Osprey with half eaten fish taking flight to avoid incoming crow attack.
Picture of osprey and crow attack
Update - August 4, 2011
LifeGuard Hospital Protest with Lila Rose and Keith Mason of Personhood slide show -
Web Photo Gallery Lifeguard2011aug4
Update - August 4, 2011
DOW Down 3%
Considering the fact that our economy is based on over 70% consumer spending, the economic downturn should be expected with no surprises. The last boom was fueled by trillions of dollars coming from home equity loans during the housing boom. Our economy built it’s infrastructure around this sudden influx of cash. Unfortunately, this house of cards came crashing down as millions of homeowners spent most of their home equity giving little if any room to sell when the market turned south forcing them into foreclosure.
Banks eager to get in on the easy money turned a blind eye to sound lending practices and started handing out loans as if they were candy. These are professionals that should have known better but greed got the best of them.
Until housing prices rebound and foreclosures are drastically reduced, we will not have an economic recovery, at least as strong as the artificial boom seen in the recent past. And if we continue to spend away our equity on trivial purchases, this vicious cycle will just repeat itself.
Politicians who claim otherwise are just out for votes and are completely detached from
reality. If only we could live as God has instructed us to we would avoid all this unnecessary hardship.
Chapter 9 of Steadfast Christian is devoted to the discussion of the "great Recession."
Fortunate to catch bear in tree near edge of town
Honored to be in picture with Alevada King (Niece of Martin Luther King) and Fr Frank Pavone at pro-life concert in Olathe, CO. Please support them... Both of them and Rachel's Vineyard are tirelessly traveling our nation (even tiny Olathe, CO) to help save unborn babies.
Met great people at my B&N Book signing featuring Colorado authors.
Preparing for my Barnes&Noble book signing event this Saturday 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. in Grand Junction, Colorado. Love to see ya there!
"Courageous" by Casting Crowns for the new movie Courageous by the creators of Fireproof.
This beautiful pro-life video made me weep like no other:
The 2011 International Book Awards has honored Steadfast Christian as a finalist in the Religion - Christian Inspirational category. Author and pastor of Saddleback Church Rick Warren won the Religion - Christian Inspirational category with his children's book, The Lord's Prayer.
This is a highly competitive event that features mainstream publishers such as Pengiun, Simon & Schuster, Crown Books/Random House, Zondervan, and independent publishers. Patrick Dillon, author of Steadfast Christian feels honored to have placed as a finalist in such an elite group of authors.
Press release link: http://goo.gl/8nijj
David Wilkerson's death has my heart deeply troubled. He was a modern day voice in the wilderness who brought many of us closer to God ~
“The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained” George Washington.
It's really sad that the Repulicans gave up so easy on defunding Planned Parenthood. I would hope that protecting the life of an unborn child would be worth the sacrifice of a government shutdown.
Brand New Book Trailer Video Just released!
Steadfast Christian will be available next Monday at Blessings Christian Book Stores in Langley, BC Canada.
Still praying hard for Japan and all affected by earthquakes throughout the world.
St. Patrick, a true man of God kidnapped from a life of luxury & taken to Ireland in utter poverty finally escaping only to return to convert a whole nation to God!
Pray for Japan that God's love will be a shining light in the darkness of their land. The sunset reminded me of this.
visit new Blog at www.steadfastchristian.wordpress.com/
My interview airs today with Vertical Christian Radio 89.9 FM, Farmington, NM. Listen in through streaming internet option found on website. Vertical Radio.org
When I struggle with my faith, the Apostle Peter's words echo in my soul, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." (John 6:68 NIV)
New Video out - The Storm
Update - December 12, 2010
New video out - City lights timelapse - Are we too busy for God
Update - December 10, 2010
While taking this shot last night I wondered how many people below even knew what God was up to in the sky above?
Update - Dec 1, 2010
New video out! - Thanksgiving fun Longboarding with father and son
Update - November 12, 2010
New Video Out! - "Dog Recue"
Man's best friend in action
Update - November 3, 2010
Christian's have something to be proud of by electing pro-life leaders to congress! This has put a halt to the pro-abortionists who had free reigns to push their harmful agenda prior to the elections. Our vote does make a difference and in this case it actually saves lives!
Update - October 26, 2010
Click on below links to view press releases:
http://t.co/xFdARJM - PRN Christian News Press Release
Update - October 21, 2010
New Video - Return to BC, Canada, Chapter 8 Cont... Just Released
Update - October 4, 2010
Inspirational moment:
I recently saw a twitter icon that represented hands in form of prayer. The last time I saw hands folded in prayer, I was at the top of a mountain in the former Yugoslavia on a moonlit night praying. I remember asking God why I was so far away from home and what my purpose was high atop a small mountain.
When I looked up into the sky, the full moon had lit up the clouds nearby as if it were almost day.I was shocked to see one of the cloud formations in the form of two hands folded together in prayer. It was so vividly clear! Our Lord then instantly replied to my heart, "Pray for your dad's conversion."
On my knees, I obeyed God and prayed like never before. Even after all that, my faith failed me as I began to doubt whether my dad would fully convert to our Lord.
Almost five years later, I was brought back to that day of prayer in one of the most challenging periods of my life…
See Chapter 6.
Update - September 18, 2010
"I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion is already born." - Ronald Reagan
Update - August 31, 2010
Timelapse Sunset Reflections - New Video
Update August 17, 10
Silent Scream abortion series 1-4. Video
Update August 10,10
New video - Run From Sin
Update July 29,10
Pro-life Rally Video
Be sure to vote pro-life during the elections!!!
Update - July 21, 10
New Video - Mountain Glory
#Update - July 13,10
New Video - Ocean Serenity
Update - July 09, 10
Join me on the Christian Forum (click on link below) to participate in the debate titled:
Christianity And Abortion Dont Mix.
Update - June 28, 2010
Two new videos released on YouTube today at:
Update - June 20, 2010
Standing in these locations within 48 hours of each other was refreshing to my soul!
Update - June 18, 2010

After coming ashore from a long day surfing, I was quickly humbled when a real surfer came up and
informed me I had my wetsuit on backwards. O' well , humility is a good thing!
Update - June 3, 2010
It's tough out there but God has an answer -
(James 1, 2-8,12-15,19-27 NIV)
Trials and Temptations
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.
Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.
When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does hetempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.
Listening and Doing
My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.
Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does.
If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceiveshimself and his religion is worthless. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Update - May 19, 2010
Title -Delinquencies, Foreclosure Starts Increase in Latest MBA National Delinquency Survey (10% of all loans for one to four unit residential properties are now delinquent with at least one payment past due)
Source - Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA)
Date – 5/19/2010
Contacts – Carolyn Kemp.
Click on link below for more details:
I've witnessed this occurring first hand in my real estate business, however, there is nothing God can't do to help protect us from this - He will find away out if we will only ask and believe, and start living according to His Scriptures.
Update - May 19, 2010
I am excited to announce that I recently had the opportunity to participate in a live international radio show which allowed me to briefly talk about my book. In addition, a book store has just offered to sell my books. Also, two bible study groups are also considering Steadfast Christian for their summer study programs.
Praise the Lord!
Update - May 06, 2010
Just had a moment to check the news and wow!! – the stock market has dropped nearly 1,000 points so far today. It already fell around 300 points the past several days. I wouldn’t be surprised if it rebounds tomorrow but could easily collapse even further. The world’s markets are still in mayhem even though they have rebounded this year. It only takes one thing to set off an avalanche. Until we can control our massive debt burden, at the personal on up to the national level, we will continue to have unpredictably hard times ahead of us. Even so, if we will obey God, He will always find a way out for His children.
Update - May 1, 2010
It has given me great joy to send out copies of my book. Thanks to everyone who helped make this possible. If you would like to volunteer by helping us spread God’s powerful message of hope, please email us.
All Glory to God our Father
Update - April 15, 2010
It’s only fitting that my hardcover proof for my book, Steadfast Christian, was delivered on tax day. I had problems with the first proof but this revised edition came out well. I’ve waited 5 years to see it completed and today it is finished.
Thank you Lord!
Update - April 12, 2010
The liberals promised that the healthcare law would bring rates down. Well, I just received a notice from my health insurance company that my rates are going up nearly 20% on May 1 due in part to the legally mandated benefits passed in the new healthcare law. I, like many others, knew this would happen. We have got to change things via the polls this November or our financial future will be in serious jeopardy.
Update - March, 2010
Well, the liberals have found a controversial procedure to avoid the Senate vote making Brown's historic victory ineffective in stopping the healthcare bill. In fact, it has now become the law of the land. It was disappointing to see several pro-life democrats cave in the final moments of the house vote. In their hands, was the power to defeat this bill but they couldn't hold up to the pressures of their party members and compromised their values in exchange for a weak presidential executive order that states that no funding for healthcare shall be used for abortion. Unfortunately, this executive order is coming from one of the most pro-abortion presidents of our time. This order can be changed at any time during or after President Obama's term.
Is there any politician who will place their faith in God above their own personal interests?
The polls clearly showed the majority of Americans did not want this bill in its present form to pass. Rather, citizens wanted bipartisan support but the democrats chose to ignore republican ideas and would only have it their own way. Because of this, our system of government has been weakened even further with less trust from its citizens.
The republicans are partly to blame because they did little to reform healthcare during their 8 years in power.
Regardless, even if the abortion issue was taken care of and the healthcare bill was perfect, it is still a bad time for government to take on so much debt and force businesses and citizens to purchase insurance or else be fined though taxation. We are in the midst of a serious recession yet they act as if everything is fine. This simply is not the time. Instead of cost increases, we need tax decreases. People and businesses are struggling, especially those who did not receive a bailout. Our country will not get away with being fiscally irresponsible. We have only bought some time by literally selling the family farm. We are not changing the behavior that got us into this mess to begin with. We have only passed the consequences on to future generations. Unfortunately, the longer we do this, the harder we'll fall if it all comes crashing down.
Making sure everyone votes later this Fall cannot be over-emphasized. It will probably prove to be one of the most important elections in American history.
Update - February 20, 2010
As I sat on the porch feeding my dog a snack, I suddenly became aware that she is completely dependent on me for her existence. She doesn't see it that way but rather thinks it's her clever begging technique that keeps her alive. I'm a lot like my dog when it comes to my dependence on God.
On the surface, I give God the credit for everything I have, but deep down, I struggle with this. Do I really believe God is in complete control and will I ever completely surrender myself to Him? In troubled times this has become even more difficult - in a time when trusting in Him is most important.
Psalm 37:1-25 NIV - 25 steps to overcome adversity.
Of David.
1 Do not fret because of evil men
or be envious of those who do wrong;
2 for like the grass they will soon wither,
like green plants they will soon die away.
3 Trust in the LORD and do good;
dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
4 Delight yourself in the LORD
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
5 Commit your way to the LORD;
trust in him and he will do this:
6 He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn,
the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.
7 Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him;
do not fret when men succeed in their ways,
when they carry out their wicked schemes.
8 Refrain from anger and turn from wrath;
do not fret—it leads only to evil.
9 For evil men will be cut off,
but those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land.
10 A little while, and the wicked will be no more;
though you look for them, they will not be found.
11 But the meek will inherit the land
and enjoy great peace.
12 The wicked plot against the righteous
and gnash their teeth at them;
13 but the Lord laughs at the wicked,
for he knows their day is coming.
14 The wicked draw the sword
and bend the bow
to bring down the poor and needy,
to slay those whose ways are upright.
15 But their swords will pierce their own hearts,
and their bows will be broken.
16 Better the little that the righteous have
than the wealth of many wicked;
17 for the power of the wicked will be broken,
but the LORD upholds the righteous.
18 The days of the blameless are known to the LORD,
and their inheritance will endure forever.
19 In times of disaster they will not wither;
in days of famine they will enjoy plenty.
20 But the wicked will perish:
The LORD's enemies will be like the beauty of the fields,
they will vanish—vanish like smoke.
21 The wicked borrow and do not repay,
but the righteous give generously;
22 those the LORD blesses will inherit the land,
but those he curses will be cut off.
23 If the LORD delights in a man's way,
he makes his steps firm;
24 though he stumble, he will not fall,
for the LORD upholds him with his hand.
25 I was young and now I am old,
yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken
or their children begging bread.
Update - January 20, 2010
The impossible has become possible! Scott Brown has won the senate race even after being down 30 points early on. The people have spoken resulting in an unprecidented victory. Republicans are estatic that such good fortune could come their way so unexpectedly. This is definately a wake up call to democrats that the American people will not tolerate their liberal agenda.
This victory, however, does not belong to republicans, rather, it belongs to the people just as I do not give credit to democrats for their landslide victory in the 2008 elections. Again, it was the people sending a message to the republicans that they were not happy with their policies. Our nation is fed up with politicians wasting our hard earned money and thank God, citizens are starting to hold them accountable. The power of the vote is starting to become more clear and hopefully this will force our government to remember whom they serve.
We cannot put all the weight on Scott Brown to solve all our problems. Instead we must remain active by not letting down. Democracy is an ongoing venture.
The economy is important but as Christians, we have to place moral issues ahead of everything else even if it's not popular. We have an obligation to make sure abortion and other harmful policies are completely removed from the healthcare bill. Even though the rules have changed with the ability to filibuster, the liberals will fight with everything in there arsonal to move forward with this bill. We'll just have to work harder to let our voice be heard.
Update - January 19, 2010
Out of nowhere, all eyes are suddenly on Massachusetts as polls are showing Scott Brown (Rep) ahead of Martha Coakley (Dem) for the special election to replace late Edward Kennedy's seat in the senate. How could this be in a state that is mostly democrat? Regarless, if Scott Brown wins he can hold up the passage of the heatlhcare bill because he would be the 60th vote that would allow the republicans to fillibuster the bill. People, including moderate democrats are obviously fed up with all government spending going. It will be interesting to see how this plays out tomorrow.
Update - January 02, 2010
I feel that Christians turned a blind eye during the last election. Some of us voted for politicians who support issues that are contrary to our Christian faith. Abortion and anti-family values and reckless spending have been the most troubling for me and feel if we continue down this road our country's best days will be left behind.
Because of our lack of obedience, conservative Christian values have been overcome by liberal agenda's such as the recent push for government controlled heathcare which includes funding for abortion and massive debt accumulation. We only need one senator to be able to fillibuster this bill. That's how close it is which shows just how important it is for Christians to get out and vote for politicians who are obediant to God's Word. Our vote really does make a difference.
It is crucial that Christian's wake up and take a stand by letting our voices be heard now by writing and calling our representatives. It is also imparitive that we start researching potential leaders who will be running for office in the upcoming 2010 elections. We cannot repeat the same mistakes made in 2008. It doesn't matter if the candidate is republican, democrat, or independent; instead, we have to make a conscious decision that will best represent our Christian values. We cannot forget that each one of us will be held accountable to our Lord for every decision we make in life. Our voice can change the course of history only if we get out there and take the time to let it be heard. Most importantly, we will please God for becoming obediant to Him in every aspect of our lives.
I made the mistake of placing too much hope in one man, Congressman Ben Nelson from Nebraska, when he was the standalone democrat threatening to hold up the healthcare passage unless tax payer funded abortion language was removed from the bill. I called his office and told one of his aids to pass on my admiration for his courageous stand. Unfortunately, the next day he caved after receiving an apparent offer from the DNC which offered his state free federally funded medicare for a number of years if he would change his mind. I don't now all the details but this type of back door politics threatens the credibility of our republic.
The upcomming election later this year is probably the most important in our country's history - too much is riding on this to turn a blind eye or be influenced be wordly principles, we must take a stand by voting for Godly leaders - the future of those without a voice and our country depend on it.
If you don't think abortion funding is in the healthcare bill, click on the below article from Planned Parenthood who is adamently objecting to Congressman Stupak's (Dem) amendment that prevents abortion funding in the healthcare bill. Congressman Stupak is a democrat that is a champion for life and his office should be flooded with praise for his steadfast conviction for defending the unborn.
December 20, 2009
The economy has stabilized somewhat, however, unemployment has risen over 10% since I finished my book. That means a lot of people are struggling to survive and I feel the government has not taken the necessary time to address this crisis. Instead they are focusing too much time and effort on the healthcare bill by working weekends and in some cases, all night sessions in an unpresidented attempt to pass one of the most expensive social bills in our country's history. The liberals have the majority in both the house and senate and they are not wasting one precious second in their efforts to try and pass it. Thank God there are several democrats who have made a stand against publically funded abortion and fiscal irresponsibility attached to this bill. You would think the liberals would compromise on this issue to get the bill passed but they are obsessed to have it all their way even though recent polls show that the majority of American's do not want this bill passed. This is a classic example of power and greed gone wild. They are willing to sacrifice their political futures to reach their goals. This would be a noble gesture if only they were doing this for the right reasons, however, as long as this bill has the potential to cause harm to the unborn, elderly, and American citizens' financial health in general, as Christians, we have a moral obligation to do whatever peaceful thing we can to try and stop this from becoming law.
As stated in my book in chapters 8 and 9, I agree that healthcare needs reform but I completely disagree with their approach to this problem. We don't need a complete government takeover and certainly should not allow them to use this as an opportunity to force all Americans to fund abortion especially since this is against our core beliefs. This is a crucial point in our history and one that needs plenty of prayer and fasting to overcome.